Smart Card
IXM Devices come in model variants that are equipped with an internal Smart Card reader for the option of utilizing multi-factor authentication. Smart Cards are RFID access cards that have on-card memory to store biometric data.
This tab allows you to configure Smart Card related settings of the Device.
Screen Layout of Smart Card
Field Description of Smart Card
It contains various sections to save respective settings. Click on the particular section to expand it.
Different Smart Card options can be performed as displayed in the below screen shot.
Clicking on Read button prompts a message on the screen for the user to present a Smart Card to the IXM Device. Hold to read the record saved on the Smart Card.
The IXM Device will read and display all records (by default only the first section will be visible, and users need to expand the remaining sections to view the whole information).
Click on Secure button to secure the card. It prompts a message on the screen for the user to present a Smart Card to the IXM Device. Hold to secure the card.
The Smart Card will be secured and a “Smart Card secured” message will be displayed.
Click on OK button.
Click on Reset button to reset the Smart Card. A confirmation message will be shown -
Reconfirm the action by clicking on Reset button. Click on Cancel button to discard the action.
Clicking on Reset button prompts a message on the screen for the user to present a Smart Card to the IXM Device and hold to reset the card.
The Smart Card will be reset and a “Smart Card reset” message will be displayed -
Click on OK button.
Click on Format button to format the card. A confirmation message will be displayed as follows -
Reconfirm the action by clicking on Format button. Click on Cancel button to discard the action.
Clicking on Format button prompts a message on the screen for the user to present a Smart Card to the IXM Device and hold to reset the card.
The Smart Card will be formatted and a “Smart Card formatted” message will be displayed -
Click on OK button.
This section allows to configure security settings of the MiFare Key. Following options will be displayed -
MiFare Key Type:
Select the Key Type from the dropdown list for MiFare Card authentication.
Auto Update
Click on the box to enable or disable Auto Update feature. Enabling this feature will update new keys automatically.
Key Encryption
Click on the box to enable or disable Key Encryption feature. Enabling this feature will store the key in an encrypted format.
Once entered, click on APPLY button to save and apply the settings.
Click on RESET button to restore the original settings.
IXM WEB allows users to configure the layout of the Smart Card. Users can configure where the data is stored on the card for other applications and can store the Invixium data in the same. IXM WEB will show the following layout:
MiFare 1K
MiFare 4K
Following options will be displayed -
Card Type:
Select the Card Type from the dropdown list as per the applicable card.
In case Card Type is selected as "MiFare 1K", following options will be displayed -
The MIFARE 1K card is divided into sectors and sectors are divided into blocks. Smallest accessible unit is the data block. The user record will be written on the MIFARE 1K based on the selection of data blocks. MIFARE 1K card’s default layout contains 16 sectors, each sector has 4 blocks. Each block consists of 16 bytes.
Select/modify Data Block(s) as per requirement by clicking on the relevant boxes.
In case Card Type is selected as "MiFare 4K", following options will be displayed -
The MIFARE 4K card is divided into sectors and sectors are divided into blocks. Smallest accessible unit is the data block. The user record will be written on the MIFARE 4K based on the selection of data blocks. MIFARE 4K card’s default layout contains 32 sectors of 4 blocks and 8 sectors of 16 blocks. Each data block consists of 16 bytes.Select/modify Data Block(s) as per requirement by clicking on the relevant boxes.
In case Card Type is selected as "DESFire", following options will be displayed -
The DESFire card comes with different sizes: 2KB or 4KB or 8KB NV-Memory. It is a file system based card. The card is organized with Applications (Folder) and files. Up to 28 Applications can be created and each application is represented by 3 Bytes AID. Up to 32 files can be created in each application.
Select/modify Data Block(s) as per requirement by clicking on the relevant boxes.
The iCLASS Smart Card is having 16K/1, 16K/2 and 16K/16 layout by default. Each 16K type contains 256 blocks. iCLASS 16K/16 is having page layout, and it contains 8 pages.Select / modify Data Block(s) as per requirement by clicking on the relevant boxes.
Click on the arrow keys to expand the Device Group and select the desired Device(s) by clicking on the checkboxes.
Click on Apply button. IXM WEB will send a request to the Device to save configured Smart Card Layout settings to the selected Device(s). Click on Cancel button to discard the action.
Upon completion of the process, the “Application Logs” window will show a success or failure message.
This section allows to enter details of keys as follows -
Current Key:
Enter the Current Key of the Device in either HEX format or TEXT format. Specify the format by selecting it from the dropdown list.
Verify Device Current Key:
Enter the Current Key of the Device in either HEX format or TEXT format to verify it. Specify the format by selecting it from the dropdown list.
Old Key:
Enter the Old Key of the Device in either HEX format or TEXT format. Specify the format by selecting it from the dropdown list.
DESFire Card Master Key:
Enter the DESFire Card Master Key in HEX format.
Once entered, click on APPLY button to save and apply the settings.
Click on RESET button to restore the original settings.
This section allows to save miscellaneous settings of Smart Card as follows -
CSN Order Type will be configurable only in FP2, FP4, and FP5 product types. |
CSN Byte Order:
Select either "LSB" or "MSB" from the dropdown list to specify the Byte Order of data from the file.
CSN Bit Order:
Select either "LSB" or "MSB" from the dropdown list to specify Bit Order of data from the file.
Active HF Protocol:
Active HF protocol will be configurable only in FP4 and FP5 product types.
Select the Active HF Protocol from the dropdown list. Following Protocols are provided -
Active RF Protocol:
Active RF protocol will be configurable only in FP5 product types.
Select the Active RF Protocol from the dropdown list. Following Protocols are provided -
PACS is configurable for Fp4 and Fp5 product types only |
By default, IXM Devices read CSN from the card but also allow reading the PACS number from the card.
Click on the checkbox to enable reading PACS number from the card.
Card Order Preference will be configurable only in FP2 product types. |
Select the card from the dropdown list that has to be given first priority.
Select the card from the dropdown list that has to be given second priority.
Once entered, click on APPLY button to save and apply the settings.
Click on RESET button to restore the original settings.
A list of Smart Card Serial Numbers that were revoked from General Settings >> Smart Card Settings >> Smart Card Employees option will be displayed as follows -
In case there are no revoked Smart Cards, this list will be displayed blank.
Select one or more Serial Number(s) by clicking on them while pressing <Shift> or <Ctrl> key. Click on Unrevoke button on the top right corner to un-revoke that Smart Card.
IXM WEB will display a confirmation message as follows -
Click on Unrevoke button to un-revoke the selected Smart Card(s). Click on Cancel button to discard the action.
SEOS Card Load Key will be configurable only in FP4 and FP5 product types. |
This section allows to maintain authentication Keys of SEOS Card. Following options will be displayed -
Enc Key:
Enter the Encrypted type of privacy key of the SEOS Card.
MAC Key:
Enter the MAC type of privacy key of the SEOS Card.
Auth Key:
Enter the Authentication Key of the SEOS Card.
Once entered, click on APPLY button to save and apply the settings.
Click on RESET button to restore the original settings.
SEOS Card will be configurable only in FP4 and FP5 product types. |
This section allows to configure SEOS Card as follows -
Enter the ADF OID of the SEOS Card.
Total Tag:
Enter the total number of Tags of the SEOS Card.
Enter the Tag of the SEOS Card.
Once entered, click on APPLY button to save and apply the settings.
Click on RESET button to restore the original settings.
MIFARE DESFire Reader Configuration will be configurable only in FP2, FP4, FP5 product types. |
Click on the switch to turn MIFARE DESFire Reader Configuration feature ON or OFF. The following options will be enabled when the feature is turned ON -
Application ID:
Enter the Application ID of the card.
File ID:
Enter the File ID of the card application.
Data Length:
Enter the Length to read data from the file.
Data Offset:
Enter the Offset value to start reading data from the file.
Master Key:
Enter the Master Key of the card in either HEX format or TEXT format. The application will display it in an encrypted form. Specify the format by selecting it from the dropdown list.
Master Key Encryption:
Select the Master Key for Encryption standard from the dropdown list. The following are the options -
AES 128
Application Key:
Enter the Application Key to read data from the file in either HEX format or TEXT format. The application will display it in an encrypted form. Specify the format by selecting it from the dropdown list.
Application Key Encryption:
Select the Application Key for Encryption standard from the dropdown list. The following are the options -
AES 128
Application Key Number:
Enter the Application Key Number to read data from the file.
Data Communication Mode:
Select the Data Communication Mode to read data from the file from the dropdown list. There are three modes -
Wiegand Mode
Click on the box to enable or disable Wiegand Mode on the card. A check mark indicates that the feature is enabled. This will allow reading Wiegand data from the file. Here file length should be wiegand bits.
Click on the box to enable or disable the Device from reading the ASCII data from the Smart Card as per the configuration. A check mark indicates that the feature is enabled.
This option will be displayed for SENSE 2, TOUCH 2, TFACE, MERGE 2, and MYCRO Devices only. |
Tap on the box to enable or disable the Device from sending the ASCII raw data. A check mark indicates that the feature is enabled.
To send ASCII data to the Device, the following configuration is required:
" MIFARE DESFire Reader Configuration" feature should be ON.
"Mode" should be set as "Strict".
"Read ASCII" checkbox should be enabled.
"Send ASCII" checkbox should be enabled.
Once entered, click on APPLY button to save and apply the settings.
Click on RESET button to restore the original settings.
Reader configuration will only be configurable only for FP4 and FP5 product type. |
Following option will be displayed -
Configuration Data:
Enter a HEX key as per requirement.
Once entered, click on APPLY button to save and apply the settings.